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Old 07-09-08, 06:18 AM   #6
Alpha Stoner
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even if history eventually proves that Bush was correct..
And how would 'history' prove any such thing? History has already proven that Bush and his administration lied to the American people, congress and the world and started an invasion (notice I didn't say war, it was never a 'war') which has cost us more citizens than 911.

And McCain, within days of 911, was calling for that invasion because he was under the influence of someone who was not only full of shit, but later was found to be feeding information to Iran.

So get it right: McCain has killed more Americans than the terrorists in 911

'But the Surge! THE SURGE!' Hey, numbnuts, there wouldn't have needed to be a 'surge' if there hadn't been a 'war' in the first place.

And if McCain gets in one of his first 'missions' will be to attack Iran.


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