Thread: Sarah who?
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Old 05-09-08, 05:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
Guys, the current vice president, a social conservative, is the proud father of a lesbian. To the religious right that is worse than a pregnant teenage daughter, and yet the liberal media has had the class to leave that issue alone. Why is Palin's supposed hypocrisy being drummed up by liberals? Because you're not afraid of offending pregnant teens for one thing, since they can't vote anyway. But really you're doing it because you're afraid that people might ignore it, being the non-issue that it really is. Because Palin's few political scandals are so minor that they can't be used to make decent attack ads, you're picking apart her private life instead and delving into issues that don't belong in the public arena.
1) the McCain camp released the info on Palin's daughter, not the media.
2) the mainstream media has largely left it alone since(aside from properly contrasting it with related public policy positions)
3) her "few political scandals" are active, ongoing, and required her to hire an attorney a couple days ago - that's not minor, particularly in the context of a Presidential election.
4)the McCain camp is now milking the issue with faux outrage and using it as an excuse to shield her from all media interviews.

how seriously do they expect voters to take Palin if she can't take the heat of a Presidential campaign - just like the boys?
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