Thread: Sarah who?
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Old 03-09-08, 06:24 AM   #5
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Indeed, Multi. And contrast that with this:

Democrats, especially on blogs and in private conversations, have savaged Palin for the news that her 17-year-old, unwed daughter Bristol is pregnant and plans to marry the father. Liberal radio host Ed Schultz, who had already used the words “bimbo alert” to refer to Palin, suggested that she was a hypocrite for having a pregnant child while touting a social conservative platform.

But rather than drawing the ire of conservatives who disapprove of pre-marital sex, the news about Bristol Palin has buoyed many spirits, because she chose not to terminate the pregnancy and plans to marry the father.

“Why does the left think there is a pro-life movement? The pro-life movement is about helping women who get into trouble,” said Gary Bauer, president of the social conservative group American Values.
Republicans constantly cut programs which help those they would choose [sic] to force to continue unplanned and unwanted pregnancies by blocking first contraception and sexual education, and replacing them with "don't have sex" programs which do not work, and by making the option of abortion illegal; all in the name of 'social morality' and 'family values'.

If one of Obama's daughters were of age and found to be pregnant then the conservatives would attack her as promiscuous and him and Michelle as bad parents who raise their children with damaging 'Librul' attitudes.

But as Palin is 'Conservative' and religious, she is seen as a beacon they can shine about and proclaim she is living up to the ideal by supporting her daughter's 'choice' to carry the baby and (shotgun) marry the father. No matter that her 'abstinence only' has failed, again. No matter that her 'conservative' household has failed to instill in her daughter the requirement to 'save herself' until marriage. No matter that while extorting the matter of her 'choice' they work on removing that same choice from other women.

It's despicable.


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