Thread: Sarah who?
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Old 02-09-08, 08:31 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by daddydirt View Post
two of those fiascos were elected btw.
your point? both were discredited and one was disbarred and remains the "only vice president in u.s. history to resign because of criminal charges." i wouldn't bet america will be all that excited to make the same mistake again.

smears and innuendo.
not quite. palin herself made the pregnancy announcement.

what kind of great plan for america (schools, supreme court etc) is abstinence if it works for neither the proponent nor her own daughter? there is nothing to recommend about married pregnancies at 44 or unmarried ones at 17.

the palin hypocrisy charge seems plenty valid.

palin is unqualified. and i'd say mccain, by the way he chose her is equally so.

here's what alaskan representative gail phillips, a republican and former speaker of the house, had to say about the superficial vetting:

I started calling around and asking, and I have not been able to find one person that was called. I called 30 to 40 people, political leaders, business leaders, community leaders. Not one of them had heard. Alaska is a very small community, we know people all over, but I haven’t found anybody who was asked anything.
and from the article:

Although The Washington Post quoted advisers to Mr. McCain on Sunday as saying Ms. Palin had been subjected to an F.B.I. background check, an F.B.I. official said Monday the bureau did not vet potential candidates and had not known of her selection until it was made public.
The current mayor of Wasilla, Dianne M. Keller, said she had not heard of any efforts to look into Ms. Palin’s background. And Randy Ruedrich, the state Republican Party chairman, said he knew nothing of any vetting that had been conducted.
State Senator Hollis French, a Democrat who is directing the ethics investigation, said that no one asked him about the allegations. “I heard not a word, not a single contact,” he said.
is this is how mccain will choose cabinet members and judges?

- js.
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