Thread: Sarah who?
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Old 01-09-08, 10:51 AM   #5
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This is TOO good!

'Morning' Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan mock as ridiculous the possibility of Sarah Palin being named McCain's running mate, on the morning of John McCain naming her as his running mate!

What's more, they go on to dismiss the idea that her qualifications are anywhere near Obama's as Obama has been on the national stage a long time and running and excellent campaign who "validated himself with 18 million votes." And beating everyone, including knocking out Hillary.

They also blast the idea of Palin as a Hillary substitute as silly and state it would be seen as "condescending" to women.

This is perfect antithesis to the GOP talking points that have obviously made the rounds in the last few days. The talking heads, including Buchanan, sure changed their tunes quickly.
The video:


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