Thread: Sarah who?
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Old 01-09-08, 03:58 AM   #6
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he chose a woman to steal Hilary supporters from the Dems, and it's gonna work
Correct, and then incorrect. That is why he chose her, one of the reasons (the other being that she's as far 'right' as one can go, and a religious nut (same difference? okay, I'll give you that)), but it is not going to work.

Hillary supporters supported Hillary, not 'woman', and not just any woman can be substituted.

An interesting fact which hasn't hit the press yet: Palin is a member of, and was put in government in Alaska by, the Alaska Independence Party.

The AIP’s main aim is to secede from the United States, becoming either a territory or a sovereign nation. They aim to be entirely "self-sufficient" using profits from the oil and gas resources of the state.

On their website, you find this:

The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words: ALASKA FIRST!
And their 2008 platform:

To seek the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska in conformance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the federal constitution.
Governor Palin’s connections with the AIP are also furthered by her connection to Wally Hickel, a former Alaskan governor. Hickel was elected on the AIP ticket. He served as the co-chairman of Governor Palin’s campaign in 2006

Here is a quote from an interview Hickel did with the Alaska Dispatch:

When Palin was running for governor in 2006, Hickel appeared in advertisements supporting her and the Alaska pipeline.

"I made her governor," Hickel told me.
When asked earlier this year on CNBC about whether she’d be picked for McCain’s VP, Palin said, "We wanna make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans, and for the things we’re trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the US, before I can even start addressing that question."

So, besides the fact that she doesn’t know what the VP does everyday, Palin wants to be VP only if it’s a good thing for Alaska?

Sarah Palin has a lot of questions to answer about whether she supports Alaska’s right to secede, whether she’s figured out what her job as VP will be, and whether she’s in it to send money or profits to her state.

here she is addressing the Alaska Indelendance Party convention:

This is from the convention itself. About half way through the speech (at about 6:00), the Vice Chairman of the AIP, Dexter Clark, says this Independenceof Palin: "Our current governor who I mentioned at the last conference, the one we were hoping would get elected, Sarah Palin, did get elected . . . .and there was a lot of talk about her moving up. She was an AIP member before she got the job as mayor . . . "

This is from further on in the same speech from Dexter Clark, the Vice Chairman from the AIP. In it, he talks about the necessity of infiltrating the major national parties in order to further the goals of the AIP.

Telling stuff and it comes before even mentioning that she is anti-abortion AND anti-contraception AND anti-anti-SexEd AND pro-creationism in the schools as Science.

When Obama says her choice is 'more of the same' he couldn't be more right. if she was any closer to the 'family values' Bush forces on the US and the world, they'd be seimese twins.

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." - Joe Vogler, founder - Alaskan Independence Party


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Last edited by Šiego : 01-09-08 at 08:07 AM.
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