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Old 26-08-08, 04:37 AM   #1
flippin 'em off
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Back on topic; I see Hillary supporters crying that Obama hasn't "repaid" her loans to herself of millions of dollars to finance her campaign against him. How warped and greedy do you have to be to expect that from your opponent? -'Give me the money I spent fighting you'-from the donations of people who preferred him over her.

Don't pay and you lose some votes from the Hillary nuts; pay and lose some commercial airtime fighting McCain. You know Hillary doesn't care, she just wants her money so she can be still more of a multimillionaire, and definitly less taxes on her if McCain wins, and certainly another chance for nomination in 2012 if Obama loses.

Maybe she'll be the deciding factor in November.
Taking power from the many and giving it to the few corrupts the few and degrades the many.
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