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Old 07-08-08, 09:51 AM   #10
Earthbound misfit
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American politics affect global oil prices in particular. We're the largest oil consumer by far so our demand curve has a greater effect than other countries. And most oil markets trade in US dollars so the value of our currency is also a large factor. We share borders with two of the world's largest oil producers so our trade agreements and treaties play a role as well. Of course, people that are directly involved with oil markets or international politics are the only foreigners with the ability to influence American policy, but our oil politics affect just about everyone around the world. It isn't a case of taxation without representation so I'm not interested in giving foreigners a say in our government, but all the same, what we say and do has global repercussions.

Originally Posted by albed View Post
If you still think posting facts and reason to the twisted fucking retards around here is going to do any good I have to question your learning ability.
What harm could it do? You're looking at this from the wrong perspective, albed. I don't participate here because I think it will change anything. Like you, I come here to provoke and to be provoked in turn. The other people here provoke your limbic system, causing emotional responses to stupid things they say, and I have those responses as well. The difference between you and me is that you choose to react based solely on those emotions whereas I choose to wait until the stimulus also provokes my prefrontal cortex. It's what allows me to have intelligent conversations with people I disagree with, and also with trolls like you. I may not change anyone's mind, and the people I converse with may not get the same satisfaction that I get, but it works for me. You can question my learning abilities all you want, but what you're not understanding is that I get the same pleasure out of posting facts and reason that you get out of posting insults.
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