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Old 14-07-08, 05:01 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ðiego View Post
Ever notice how albed and jcmd always sound so angry and bitter? Like they're clinging to their guns and religion?

Come November your worst nightmare: a Buckwheat in the White House OH NO SPANKIE! HAHAHA!

Ever notice how whenever someone makes a valid point the best you can do is continue to whine like a baby instead of making a valid and appropriate response.

Your Buckwheat reference was the most racist remark I've heard in years. David Duke is that you????????

While like most Americans I am not HAPPY with fuel prices I am hardly angry and bitter. I am simply sick to my stomach of whiny fuckin Americans and Euro trash alike that blame their own shortcomings and flat out laziness on anyone and everyone but themselves.

As for my guns, and yes I have a nice collection, something you can't have LEGALLY in the land of cameras and Queen mum. Seems your constant whining would be better placed towards her and her inbred offspring instead of constantly whining in this useless shithole.

As for that ridiculous TAX your unAmerican non European ass pays on gas, well now thats what funds that lousy, piss poor substandard FREE health Care you idiots are always raving about. Case in point, when my brothers daughter needed surgery recently, your Free health care system flew him, his wife and daughter to Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore because your wonderful FREE health care system couldn't handle the surgery.

Just a bit ironic that some of those fuel taxes your paying for that glorious FREE health care are being spent right here in the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE. Top notch Hotel including dining for 3 weeks and over $400,000 in medical expenses all paid by you Europeans. Gotta love the Irony.

FREE health care doesn't exist. You either pay for it yourself like we do in America or you pay ridiculously high taxes to your government for substandard care.
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