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Old 20-06-08, 08:41 AM   #5
Alpha Stoner
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An extremely smart move for Obama. Where he has told his supporters and the Democratic party to not fund 527s, McCain has said he will not. Not only that, but neither he nor the Democratic party will accept financing from lobbyists and special interests, where McCain's entire campaign is made up of them. Obama would be a fool to limit himself to the public finance program in the face of the GOP's 527s and lobbyists, and Obama is no fool.

As for your 'quote', it isn't. Surely you could make up something better? Oh wait. You're Republican and so have no imagination, unless you're imagining the money your party will make, and you will never see a penny of, by pushing the agenda of special interests. The GOP is bought and paid for, but it went at fire sale prices due to your candidate having the appeal of a warm piss on a hot day.

Did you get the GOP memo on how McCain's campaign manager has been working against America's interests for 4 years, and how McCain has known about it for 3 of those years? Oh, and that Airbus deal looks to be going south. More bad news for McCain and his lobbyist campaign, eh?


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