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Old 15-06-08, 11:10 PM   #2
Earthbound misfit
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The war is a non-issue to all but a few Americans, knife. Though we all talk about it, few of us actually have to deal with it personally. Politicians only talk about the war in order to divide people. It's working; we're well and truly divided on the issue. But what has that accomplished?

Obama won't end the war, he can't, so he's no different than McCain in that respect. Since the prospective Democrat nominees are no longer competing to promise the soonest end to the war we can focus on Obama's more realistic campaign promises. He'll still argue with McCain about the war, but only to turn our attentions away from issues that might make voters less decisive. If you took away this one issue then the only obvious difference between those two politicians would be their skin colors.

They'll try to use the economy to divide us too, but the difference is that the economy affects us all. We really can't afford to be divided on that issue, and one of the two candidates will have a better head for numbers and he'll be the man we should all vote for. As for Iraq, get used to thinking of it as an other Afghanistan 'cause, no matter who gets elected, a year from now that's how the media and the better part of congress will be treating it.
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