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Old 21-04-08, 03:43 AM   #3
flippin 'em off
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
so only people as smart as you should be able to vote? quite the elitist, aren't we? perhaps we should just roll back the process a couple hundred years and only allow white male landowners to vote...

more information is inherently a good thing - whether people are using it well is impossible to quantify and therefore inarguable. the internet simply expands on what radio, tv, and the printing press has done before it and takes it to the next level.

furthermore, the internet decentralizes the political process in a fundamentally profound way: a candidate now has the ability to go outside of the established party structure to organize and fund-raise at an unprecedented grass-roots level. a national constituent base , a war chest, and a campaign can be created online literally in a matter of hours. in this way, the internet has weakened the top-down nature of party politics - also a good thing, imo.
A couple centuries ago "the process" allowed black male landowners to vote too, and own slaves even. You liberals just can't hide how wrong you are about even the simplest things.

More disinformation is what the internet typically brings over traditional mass media. You'll seldom find anything original on it, just multitudes of people echoing the same things like 'Obama's a muslim'.

Wtf's "profound" about a grassroots campaign. Once again you betray your ignorance of history. But at least on the internet you have lots of company.
Taking power from the many and giving it to the few corrupts the few and degrades the many.
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