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Old 20-04-08, 09:41 AM   #3
flippin 'em off
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Does anyone really think getting more idiots to the polls will make democratic countries any better. Most of the political rallying cries amount to little more than shallow commercial slogans; "vote for change", "blah blah cheaper gasoline blah blah", etc. aimed at the large segment of low IQ voters who can't or won't put forth the effort to understand complex issues. Why the fuck do we need more of them voting?

I don't think the internet has made dumb voters any smarter; it's just given empty propaganda a wider audience and provided bandwagon appeal to get even apolitical people to support a candidate just because others are and it's the cool thing to do.

And no matter how the presidential election turns out, the vast majority of voters would have preferred someone else in that position. Think about that.
Taking power from the many and giving it to the few corrupts the few and degrades the many.

Last edited by albed : 20-04-08 at 11:07 AM.
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