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Old 12-03-08, 03:54 PM   #14
Formal Ball Proof
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Originally Posted by Mr. Formal Proof
No it was just another petty attempt at an insult from someone too chickenshit to take a position on an issue.
Clearly it doesn't meet the definition of irony and your claim you intended it to really shows your ignorance.
Let me help you:


1. humor based on opposites: humor based on using words to suggest the opposite of their literal meaning

2. something humorous based on contradiction: something said or written that uses humor based on words suggesting the opposite of their literal meaning

3. incongruity: incongruity between what actually happens and what might be expected to happen, especially when this disparity seems absurd or laughable

4. incongruous thing: something that happens that is incongruous with what might be expected to happen, especially when this seems absurd or laughable
Now, let's look at it again, together, shall we?

Given your pea-brain track record it's hard to say if you're just trolling or you actually believe there's a partisan talking point here.

Then again, maybe you're just jealous because there's some truth to rumor that all republicans are dickless freaks.
Note how in the first sentence there is an implication that seeing a partisan talking point in the [sarcasm]surprising[/sarcasm] fact that a politician should be caught in a sex scandal, when we all know they are all, across the board, double dealing self serving scum to begin with, is absurd.

In the very next sentence I suggest something acutely and ridiculously partisan.

This was followed by a dancing banana, intended to highlight the absurdity of juxtaposing these two sentences for the dim witted.

I'm confident this qualifies as irony, but perhaps you were thinking I meant it was related to metallurgy or something. Or perhaps, as usual, you were simply talking out your ass.

Now, as a larger context for these comments, allow me to clarify my 'position on the issue,' even though, yes, [sarcasm]it's entirely out of my chickenshit character to actually take a position on an issue.[/sarcasm]


The sex lives of politicians don't interest me in the slightest, unless maybe they're hot, and Spitzer isn't in that category. I don't sit around passing judgement on people's sex lives, (unless you consider considering whether or not they are hot passing judgement) and 'scandals' such as this do not set me atwitter like you, JimBob and all the brain dead little journalists that just won't be able to stop twittering about this one for the next two weeks--but then you and JimBob still can't over a blow job Bill Clinton got ten years ago. One of you has mentioned it once a fucking week since it happened, and I doubt if you've ever even been that into a blow job you've gotten yourselves. It's positively creepy.

Of course your position on the issue is clear for all to see, you have your ass in the air because someone had sex! Gasp! Apparently some part of the jello in your head actually believes politicians are supposed to be sexless paragons leading humanity toward some eternal Leave it to Beaver episode.

No doubt the two of you will continue ranting about the hypocrisy of it all like little fucking schoolgirls, but coming from people who completely fail to see the hypocrisy of the assholes gambling with millions of people's lives in a 12 billion dollar a month, 6 year old war purely designed to rake in the resulting oil profits, well, you just sound and look as ridiculous and incongruous as JonBenet Ramsey wannabes wearing strap-ons.

Try and get over it. Maybe try and have some sex yourself.
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