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Old 11-03-08, 10:15 PM   #10
Formal Ball Proof
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Hard to believe you're not a drag queen, you sound exactly like one of the little tranny bitches.

It's hysterical, and really revealing, how earnestly you're trying to be 'hurtful' even though you know absolutely nothing about me or my life. You don't even know my name, Jim.

And it absolutely slays me how you just can't keep from constantly mentioning my moderator status. The fact that my power to delete spam from the music forum haunts you so is also pretty revealing, and fucking hilarious. Really. I swear to god my sides hurt.

We had one 10 minute conversation once, where you insisted on sending me your mp3 list of the most pathetic godawful Backstreet Boys/Whitesnake/Garth Brooks crap collection I've ever seen, as if I might want some of it, so your supposed criticism of my music, which you've been dragging out for years, based on the one silly piece of mine your gnat's attention span would allow you to actually listen to, is also too goddamned funny.

It would be beyond the scope of your pathetic imagination to grasp how utterly joyful I am that I am not saddled with your pathetic life and fat-assed wife that you probably fuck around on with cracked out bar skanks while you bask in your wonderful career of serving beer to "filthy mexicans" that crap in your sinks and clog your toilets with puke and your most probably chinless banjo thumping offspring.

One of these days you'll make a post that doesn't include the word 'pathetic' and this will be a sign of the fucking apocalypse.

Why don't you just STFU until someone else dies so you can sweep in and dramatically and tenderly eulogize them. You seem to be at your best when there's a corpse around, like any other typical maggot.

PS: The comment you are responding to was meant as irony. I'd bet even albed got that one.
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