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Old 11-03-08, 08:41 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone View Post

Then again, maybe you're just jealous because there's some truth to rumor that all republicans are dickless freaks.

Quite pathetic when someone that continually professes to be so much more intellectual than everyone else resorts to 2nd grade taunts like "dickless freaks".

Or is this just wishful thinking on your cross dressing part?

You know Sean you really are a hypocritical prick. At the old Napster forums you, Hank, and so many others trashed any poor soul that dared post about their beliefs that they should be able to download what they want when they want for free. Yet here you are, a moderator at a p2p forum promoting that which you so viciously campaigned against.

You were one of the leading "dickless freaks" that screamed "copyright infringement" to anyone who would listen and scolded every poster as to what "pirates" and "criminals" they were for using Napster. Yet the whole time you exploited the positive side of Napster by submitting your techno drivel bullshit music for people to download in the hopes it would lead to your own "discovery". Something that has so obviously never happened, and explains why your such a bitter little dweeb.

How many years has it been since the Napster forum days and yet you still wait for that phone call from Geffen records that will never come. I really do thank God every day that I have a life, family and career, something you will never experience. You really don't know how much it pleases me to know that the highlight of your pathetic life is being a moderator of this unknown Bulletin board.

It seems quite clear that the only jealousy around here is from you. Every one else here has a life, well except for multi. The both of you trapped in your lifeless dark little apartments with no friends and nothing more than your internet connections to entertain you.
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