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Old 08-12-07, 08:11 AM   #1
Earthbound misfit
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Contrary to what all you Bush haters think, this report doesn't say, nor does it use language that implies, that Bush is a liar. It simply explains that Iran's continuing nuclear research program lacks the intent to build a nuclear weapon. That's perfectly believable, given that Iran has almost no ability to refine its own oil and economic conditions have led them into the greatest energy crisis in their history. But the fact is that Iran is still pursuing the technological ability to build a nuclear weapon. They may claim, when they build their first nuke, that it was an accidental byproduct of their 'peaceful' nuclear program which it very well could be because the technology to build a nuclear power plant is pretty much the same as the technology to build a nuke. Despite what the media says about this report, and despite how Bush has responded in kind, Iran continues to refine uranium and it continues to prevent international inspectors from investigating their claims. This report should have come from the IAEA, instead it came from the National Intelligence Board because Iran prefers to keep its 'peaceful' nuclear program under wraps.

Now I'm not suggesting any action at this point, especially not an invasion of Iran, but you guys should probably read the report, read its careful vetting and cautionary language, before you assume that it's a vindication of your unquestioning hatred.
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