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Old 04-12-07, 02:11 PM   #7
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
Location: New England
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no no, the quality's fine. it's the songs that suck lol (there's a fine line between groovy lounge and mindless schmaltz).

tg hasn't been posting much it's true. our fault actually. we sent her deep undercover. we figured of all the members here she'd be best able to infiltrate the riaa and at the same time resist the seductive perks that come with a high level industry position. she's such a minimalist you know. it worked for a while too. she cruised right up the ranks and sent back prime dish.

those crafty media moguls finally got her number tho. probably the finnish accent (she never got the valley girl thing down). they dangled a new office in front of her with a fucking sauna in it and we haven't heard a peep since.

fear not. gaz and i are working on a secret plan. we've been texting see. it'll be a snatch and deprogram job. as soon as we start building the hottest sweat box this side of suonenjoki we'll be ready for action. well, soon enough anyway. there are a few coronas we need to finish plus the word is out waffles may be planning a leechfest and for that i'll drop anything.

hey, priorities man.

- js.
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