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Old 03-12-07, 09:36 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by malvachat View Post
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"UK teacher Gillian Gibbons is to be released from prison in Sudan after she was jailed for allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad"

A stupid case,which should never have had a hearing.
But,I wonder if we had found somebody guilty of an offence,we would just release them.
They will be a price somewhere.
Maybe she should get a medal for
"her courage for living among those warped savages"
A Black kettle would be better.
malvachat, there is no equivalent in Western Culture. I could name my genitals after the holy Trinity and there's not going to be any ensuing drama, and I live in a very religious country. This is where government should have stepped in, and they didn't until very late. This gives ammo to all the rightwing wackjobs who want to "nuke Mecca" and who think Islam is just "plain evol" (which is it's own form of fundamentalism I guess)

The Sudanese govt could have averted this whole situation a long time ago, and they are responsible for letting this get to a head. Also, the knee jerk reaction from some on the Left, to blame this woman was just wrong. To clarify, she had recently split up from her husband, moved to the Sudan to work in a mixed denomination establishment and had consulted her class to name the TEDDY BEAR. She suggested a name, they suggested Mohemmad, which is a very common name there. She saw no issue with that, how is she to know, she is a 55 year old english middle aged lady.

albed, i didn't proof this, because i know you're dying to
I’ve been a little down because today my doctor diagnosed me with John Travolta Syndrome. It’s a condition where your face or head grows laterally, getting wider year by year. It’s not so much of a problem and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just a condition. In fact mine is good because it means my brain is getting bigger too. But not that Travolta guy, his head is mostly fat. The doctors said I am much smarter than John Travolta and I believe them.
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