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Old 12-11-07, 07:07 AM   #1
flippin 'em off
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"Tax credit" is just another deceptive term for government handout and if a technology is truly beneficial it doesn't need government handouts for people to invest in it.

Government sponsored alternative energy programs have been popping up for decades and most collapse as soon as the teat goes dry and just waste money and effort that private investment could have directed in a more productive manner.

If government officials want to come straight out and declare CO2 a pollutant they should honestly demonstrate its harmfulness and pass straightfoward laws restricting its release for the public good and then people will adapt with their own very superior ingenuity. But politicians only see fit to use it as propaganda to get themselves political support from the gullible.

If they truly wanted to reduce CO2, nuclear power is tried and proven, but again it's only been used for propaganda by politicians who aren't interested in anything but their own agenda.

Last edited by albed : 12-11-07 at 07:18 AM.
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