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Old 28-10-07, 12:07 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by albed View Post
Nice going multi, you managed to turn even jcmd into another whining crybaby: "Oh the harsh words in this forum are just so terrible...I can't bear to read them any longer. I must take a break-'sob'-farewell"

Incredible how cowardly people can be around here when in real life men fight with fists, knives and guns for what they believe in.

Whats incredible is how cowards like you albed have to act on a forum to make up for what kind of giant pussies they are in the real world.

Its truly a shame that toy soldiers like you disgrace the heroic efforts that real soldiers die for every day.

I'll take being a whining crybaby anyday of the week compared to being a useless prick like you.

Yes albed our prisons are chock full of "real men" just like you.

Real cowardly men who fought for their pathetic beliefs with violence, fists knives and guns.

One really has to enjoy the ignorance of someone who thinks that what they post on some useless bulletin board counts for shit in the world of cesspools.

Last edited by jcmd62 : 28-10-07 at 12:23 AM.
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