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Old 24-07-07, 08:04 PM   #1
Keebeck Canuck
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Cindy Sheehan announces she'll run against Nancy Pelosi

Nick Juliano and Michael Roston
Published: Monday July 23, 2007

Anti-Iraq War activist Cindy Sheehan announced in Washington on Monday afternoon that she would challenge Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the 2008 Congressional election.

"The Democrats will not hold this administration accountable so we have to hold them accountable, and I for one will step up to the plate and run against Nancy Pelosi," Sheehan told a cheering crowd outside Rep. John Conyers' office on Capitol Hill.

Sheehan brought a petition calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to Conyers, D-Mich., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Pro-impeachment organizers gathered more than 1 million signatures for the petition, Sheehan said.

Sheehan and other activists meet with Conyers in his office for nearly two hours. Conyers told them there were not enough votes to impeach the President or Vice President, and so he did not intend to hold hearings on the impeachment resolution introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, Sheehan said, eliciting loud boos from the hundreds of people gathered outside. Kucinich's Articles target the Vice President.

"We expressed what we feel is the urgency of removing George Bush and Dick Cheney from office," Sheehan told the crowd. She said their impeachment was "the only thing that can save our country and our soldiers" by brining the war in Iraq to an end.

A spokesperson for the Congressman would not confirm the details of the meeting with RAW STORY.

The anti-war activist, who became prominent after initiating peace vigils near President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch, then conducted a sit-in at Conyers' congressional office, where she was later arrested by Capitol police. Between 20 and 30 people were carted off by Capitol police after they refused to clear Conyers' office and the hallway outside.

"Everybody, this is a police action now," a Capitol police officer told the protesters. The officer told RAW STORY that the protesters would be charged with unlawful assembly or similar charges.

Sheehan and a group of 300 or so supporters marched to Capitol Hill from the Arlington National Cemetery. Sheehan is the mother of Casey Sheehan, an Army Specialist who was killed in the Iraq War.

The activists came to Washington from across the country to make their voices heard in favor of impeachment. Even if the protest doesn't change many minds, it is important to speak up for one's beliefs, some of the activists told RAW STORY.

"I felt strongly about what Vietnam was doing to this country, and this time around, I want to be a little more involved than last time," Ken Jones, a 58-year-old protester, told RAW STORY. Jones traveled to Washington from Pennsylvania to participate in what was his first pro-impeachment demonstration.

Daily Kos diarist Bob Fertik offered further details of the Conyers-Sheehan showdown.

While Sheehan has considerably greater national prominence, she would not be the first progressive candidate to challenge Pelosi. In the 2006 Congressional election, Pelosi faced Green Party candidate Krissy Keefer, who received 8% of the vote in Pelosi's San Francisco district. The Speaker received 80% of the vote.

Sheehan and her supporters hope her decision to challenge Pelosi inspires other progressive citizens to challenge their elected representatives in the 2008 elections.

"We need citizens that aren't beholden to corporations," Tina Richards, CEO of Grassroots America and a Sheehan supporter, told RAW STORY, "people that won't allow their government to have preemptive wars."

The reason as to why she was arrested is because she really starting to stir the pot, exposing to so many layer of shit that defines BOTH PARTIES.

the general US population only makes me think of this example... You tell 100 person standing on a train track that the train is coming and they had better get off, what do you get, stares like you are a loon or just plain hostility for even suggesting that they move out of the way, sheer incredulousness at it's best but the train is still coming.

It is so easy to say, ah those dem liberal ideas are shit and vice versa with republican ones but the truth is, neither of the parties are trying to better the lives of their citizens, far from it, only to install fear with each daily news at 6

So far, I see 3 types of people

The ones who think they are educated because they can talk politics. Some of them actually are quite smart but gets dumber when cheering for an egomaniac soon to be dictator like Castro is.

The ones who just doesn't care at all beside for American Idol, Who wants to be a millionnaire, Survivor and such crap...

and the third type, the one who can see reality and are stocking up on food and water for they KNOW that the shit will hit the fan very soon. Atleast, they do not bicker between who's the lamest party, Dems or Reps, they see the game beyond the facade and farce that has become the current administration.

Over here we have our own little dictator already, I just pray that there is a no confidence vote coming soon so he can be ousted like the scum rat he is. That fucker was in negotiation to EXPORT IN BULK our waters to your country and mexico. Good thing it leaked for he denied it but people knows that closed doors talks are only the tip of the iceberg. He was caught RED HANDED and had to deny the whole thing.

I remember talking about the US going after our water ressources in a near future back in 2003 and the user Scoobiedoobie snickered replying, we have plenty of fresh bottled water so no thanks.

I forsee much worse for the future, I foresee another 9/11 (BTW, half of the US population can't even remember which year it happened FFS, talk about a bunch of ZOMBIES) that will be worse than the first event so that Bushie boy and his cabal can take ultimate power, declare a state of emergency and assume power until the threath is no longer present.

This is when the shit will hit the fan and the US population will be trapped with another Castro... Atleast under Castro, everyone is entitled to food, free medicare and most important of all, AN EDUCATION

Yeah, Abstinence is really the way to go...

And for those retard thinking of replying "Castro is a fucking dictator" I urge you to think as to what freedoms were lost ever since 9/11.

Take off your shoes to take a plane, no bottle of water allowed nor solar cream, nor toothpaste. No more privacy when sending an e-mail, anyone can be declared a terrorist and sent to gitmo without a trial nor the ressourse of a lawer, the anihilation of the Habeas corpus. Unwarrented phone taps and the cherry on the sunday, libby sliding. Yes, the republicans must have been very happy, cheering and applauding while the only thing I could see in that act is not triumph, but that there is NO JUSTICE APPLICABLE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ADMINISTRATION, meaning, if they can get away with high treason, they surely can get away with murder.
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