Thread: Potter 7 Leaked
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Old 17-07-07, 10:44 AM   #1
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Default Potter 7 Leaked

(No spoiler in post)

Kevin Griffin

A 33-year-old Vancouverite has downloaded what appears to be about 60% of the seventh and final Harry Potter book -- even though the children's novel isn't supposed to be officially released until midnight Saturday.

Brain Ng found that someone had posted what appeared to be first 495 pages of the 794-page book on a peer-to-peer sharing website where directions to pirated movies and other material are located. So he downloaded it too.

"It is not an e-book or Word file, which is what people would normally do," he said. "What some guy did was take pictures of it, 500 little files, each with a picture of a page. Someone took the trouble to do that."

On the information downloaded by Ng, most of the text is legible but some pages have been photographed at an angle, making them difficult to read. On each pdf, you can also see the knuckles and partial fingers of someone holding the book open on a carpeted floor.

What Ng said was unusual about the file is that no one can claim bragging rights because the posting on the European website is anonymous and doesn't even have a fictitious name.

unfortunately for fans of the series who have waited years for this event the incidence of drop-in spoiling is growing. even searching for info on the book can lead to cheap spoiler info right in the google synopsis. i've already found out too much just doing background on this week's wir. it is very irritating if i may say so. when leaking critical plot devs please add a WARNING IN CAPS at the top of the post.

until further notice any potter 7 spoilers posted here will be deleted and the poster may face suspension. - js.
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