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Old 14-07-07, 12:04 PM   #1
My eyes are now open.
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Originally Posted by albed View Post
Your refusal to answer a simple question about your statement marks you as just another lying shitstain who won't stand behind his own words. You ought to run for political office.
I did,25 years ago and won.I was on the local council for 8 years.I won a 2nd term.
If you really want to know?I stood as an independent in my local ward.I got 57% of the vote cast first time and 62% the next.Want to know how?Easy by knocking doors and talking to people.I went out three nights a week going round the ward asking what people wanted from the council.You would be surprised at what people really care about.I did Okay got some things done,mostly simple things like proper timetables for the bin men and the like.Anything on party lines was hard to get passed.
Outside work commitments meant I had to resign,I couldn't give the job my fullest attention.

This little simple question.

"Also what freedoms have Americans lost? What can they not do now compared to what they could do let us say ten years ago?"

How about “sneak and peek” with no redress to the law for a start.
Want some more?
How about the FBI able to search telephone, email, and financial records without a court order.

Now as Sinner quite rightly points out,losing some freedoms might be sensible to combat terrorists.
But and here's the catch,where is the oversee.That these agency's know what they're doing.If you have ever worked in a big organisation you would realise that safeguards are critical so mistakes don't happen.After 9/11 and the cock ups around that,do you trust your government agency's to get it right.On that subject,can you think of a good reason for evidence of a crime scene to be destroyed before being examined?I can't.
In Britain the debate about how long we can hold suspects is going on against the background of foiled plots.
Most Brits in my experience don't like the idea of holding people without good evidence.This is because of the several cock ups made in the 70's and 80's.
Albed it's a debate that needs to be had not on party lines.
But of course,when somebody has a different point of view to you,you can't stand it.

You seem to me a very selfish person.
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