Thread: Bloomberg
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Old 19-06-07, 06:37 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by JackSpratts View Post
i think he'd hurt the dems more than the reps - at least the polarised conservatives. if you're a gun totin bible thumpin anti abortion pro school prayer republican, bloomberg isn't on your radar and never will be (in your crosshairs maybe) :0

he doesn't need to worry about finances either.

we'll have to see who wins the primaries but right now it doesn't seem to be the answer to a democrat's wish, from a strategic angle anyway.

- js.
actually, i'd like to see a candidate like Bloomberg marginalize that gun totin bible thump anti abortion pro school prayer republican faction right into political left field. come in from the middle and siphon enough moderate votes off of each side to leave both left and right wingnuts out on their own limbs. nobody is particularly inspiring on the Dem side and the GOP lineup is the usual crop of weenies...and a self-financing candidate is particularly attractive because nobody owns him and he owes noone.

edit: the one thing that would really concern me about a Bloomberg presidency is his close ties to the pro-Israel lobby and AIPAC - a little fresh thinking on our Middle East policy is clearly overdue.

double edit: hi dawn i wish health care was the main issue - it should be - but because the current Prez has suckered the country into an unwinnable permanent foreign occupation, there's not going to be a lot of available resources in this country for anything else. unfortunately, Iraq is the main issue - i'll vote for anybody who will end it.
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