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Old 05-06-07, 05:42 PM   #1
"I trust that you trusting my decision will bring about the trust that lies within this realm of trust I trust you with." - Chris Datesman
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
i didn't see it - can't get worked up about 2008 yet, and if Hillary gets the nod, i won't be able to stomach it...

but who did you like in the debate?
Well I can say that it was interesting when Hilary said:
"Bush started the war, Bush escalated the war, Bush mismanaged the war, and now he refuses to end the war."
Obama took advantage of the fact how Edwards and Hilary had voted for the war 4-5 years ago, and said how he voted against it, and how they are 4 years late.
Now the difference between Edwards and Hilary is, Edwards admits he was wrong about the war. But Hilary won't admit it, and only says she thought it was the right decision at the time.

There are other underdog Senators, but I can't seem to get too worked up about them considering they seem to be just typical politicians.

But Obama looks to be the real deal.
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