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Old 04-05-07, 01:45 PM   #6
Formal Ball Proof
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Where the hell have I been? I just discovered my new favorite band (for the moment) last night as I happened to catch THE RACONTEURS on Austin City Limits on PBS. That performance is awesome, don't miss it if it pops up.

Always been a Jack White fan, but I really had no idea. The band had this glorious 70s Golden Age vibe (I said this to my roommate who replied "just because it's good, timeless music") and I swear I thought at times they were something like Crazy Horse and Utopia fused together and reincarnated.

Anyway couldn't find the Austin City Limits gig of course, but here's some other live versions of a few of the songs worth checking out:

Level - Live at the Virgin Festival, MD

Bang Bang (Nancy Sinatra cover) Live in The Lowlands

Crazy (Gnarls Barkley cover) Lollapalooza

Rock the fuck on.
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