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Old 26-04-07, 04:41 PM   #6
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why there is nothing in Iraq worth dying for, part 27:

Congress oks the Iraq withdrawal bill and sends it on to the Prez for his veto. meanwhile, the Iraqi government sees fit to criticize Congress for it's decision to carry out the will of the American people:
The Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, has criticised the US House of Representatives for passing a bill that sets a timetable for American troop withdrawal from Iraq....

"The Iraqi government believes that setting any premature timetable would not be realistic, would not be in the best interests of the US forces or the Iraqi government interests at this stage. I think that should depend on conditions on the ground," he says.
so how does the Iraqi government demonstrate their dedication and devotion to thier cause? by taking the summer off:
While lawmakers in Washington debate the role of American forces in Iraq, lawmakers in Baghdad are planning to adjourn for July and August.
be interesting to keep track of how many Americans get killed while propping up the Iraqi government for vacationing Iraqi officials.
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