Thread: A Wall Of Irony
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Old 02-04-07, 10:05 AM   #14
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post
Hi Jack

I don't quite understand what you mean.

Why do I have to go back east for you to avoid taxes?

Why do you support industries that pollute anyway? Am I getting a sniff of hypocrite?
here in the east nic for the benefit of all you california hippies, we suffer the air pollution blowing in from the entire continental us (prevailing winds go from west to east - pass from your end to ours). my "invitation" is extended so you can see for yourself how utterly impossible it is for east-coasters to escape the sins of the western/mid-western private sector, regardless of whether or not we support them. nothing new there, at least not to a gubmint hatin' dude like yourself.

it is that gubmint and it's rules however which are the only things protecting us from air that's even worse. so while you don't need to come out here to learn how to escape taxes and fees, you will need to come here to experience for yourself how you can't escape the effects of your industry. if you ever did make the effort to visit i'd be happy to show you how it's easier to avoid most taxes and fees then it is to avoid certain products of the private sector.

as to what you're sniffing nic, well, we breathe your crap everyday. i'm guessing you do too.

btw, i just watched a great download. it's called the god who wasn't there. when i saw it i thought of a few here who'd appreciate it, incl you.

- js.
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