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Old 07-03-07, 09:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Sinner View Post

And Jack isn't it ironic how liberals are pretending that perjury and obstruction of justice suddenly matter?
it certainly matters when you're convicted doesn't it? just ask the wall street journal, or ask the president of the united states, a man whose lack of sympathy for strangers convicted or accused is as legendary as it is brutal.

it may be ironic that many of the strident "law & order" types who wanted clinton destroyed for obscuring an affair between consenting adults want freedom "now" for a man who is guilty of lying to the fbi about a "smear campaign that was orchestrated by his boss against the first person to unmask one of the many untruths that president bush used to justify invading iraq" and that has killed so many.

well, that's really not irony. unfortunately it's business as usual.

and pay no attention to our fouled trolls; we will see how far this goes, and where it leads, and who and how many in the end will seek the pardons so similar to those bush senior handed out like bon-bons to iran-contra felons...

in the meantime, "it was still a breath of fresh air to see someone in this administration, which specializes in secrecy, prevarication and evading blame, finally called to account."

yes it was.

the best is yet to come.

- js.
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