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Old 28-02-07, 01:24 PM   #3
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Ok – I will not even spend a second of my time discussing Nazi Germany, it is completely irrelevant,

Quote-- disasterous leaders that are taking one's country towards an obvious catastrophe for highly dubious reasons (like oil industry profits).

Oh please, the only reason it will be catastrophe is because unfortunately, there are weasels on both sides of the aisle in Washington that care more about their power than the country’s survival. Joe Lieberman asked in The Wall Street Journal, what ultimately matters more to us, the real fight over there or the political fight over here? Americans will have to answer that question.

From CNN -- we have gotten so fat and lazy, we haven’t been asked to sacrifice anything in this war since 9/11, and the fact that we have a volunteer army has allowed us to fight this war from our living rooms and to delude ourselves into believing that we can stop fighting this war any time we want. Wrong. We can’t. We’ve got to finish it. Kill them before they kill us, and here how I got there.

You know, it seems kind of weird to me that we have forgotten that this war is still going on in Afghanistan. Even more bizarre is our collective belief that we won that war, which is wholly untrue, and that we lost the war in Iraq and that we should leave, which is also wholly untrue.

There’s only one war going on, and that’s the war against Islamic extremism. And the final outcome is far from being decided. It was started by our enemies, not on 9/11, but in Beirut during the Reagan administration, and we’ve been making mistakes and denying it ever since. It’s been going on ever since, and it’s happening in Afghanistan. It’s happening in Iraq, and soon it will be happening in Iran or right here at home.

We have no choice. The only way to stop this war from spreading over the whole globe is to fight it to win, but we’re running out of time.
Problem is the USA does not fight wars to win any more, Republicans and Democrats, what is happening in Congress is all the proof you need, The USA will lose these Wars going on because the people in Washington are more concerned about their jobs then what is best for the Country. Do you want to have real courage and fight to win or do you cut the funding and pull out? They beat the Russians in the 80’s and Washington seems to want them to beat the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. How do you think the Muslim extremists are going to feel? Knowing they defeated not one but to two super powers.

The USA better fix the border problem quick.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
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