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Old 28-02-07, 08:31 AM   #5
The Fungus Among Us
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You gonna quit breathing? Yeah you're contributing to the buildup of CO2 every time you exhale you selfish hypocrite.
I would consider this to be more than just a simple change. I have made a few simple changes that haven't really affected my lifestyle and plan on making more changes in the future.

Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
Though you may consider yourself an environmentalist, Vern, you're not like most of them from what I can tell. You're more of an environmental steward like me. Unlike you, though, I don't see any use in overstating the problem. This sense of urgency we're subject to isn't due to continuing increases in emissions but to our own short life spans. Because none of us will live long enough to affect substantial, positive change in the environment in our lifetimes, we all feel the need to cause drastic changes before we bequeath the earth to our children. This is the natural response to our own sense of mortality, but it's also the worst possible way to approach the problem. The best solution is not a one time fix, it's a perpetual process, one which future generations can continue after we're gone. And in order for us to discover that solution we must trust that future generations will be able to decide on their own what's best for them. The current environmentalist movement doesn't see things this way, unfortunately.
Maybe none of us individually can affect any substantial positive change, but if more people made the little changes we could have a substantian positive effect. I'm not talking about drastic sudden changes. I'm talking about Us(human race) as stewards over our one and only planet. We need to take a little better care is all. There are some small solutions we can implement on a personal level that will start to help. I trust future generations to know better the problem and it's solutions, but I am not willing to just sit and wait for them to fix our(and previous generations) mess. If we have some limited knowledge of the problem and can see some minor solutions that might help the problem I don't see why we should sit on our hands waiting for the next generation to implement. Sure we should let them decide whats best for them, but they don't know yet. It's like a parent who doesn't make his kid clean his room hoping that someday that child will decide that a clean room is best for him.
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