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Old 22-02-07, 11:19 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
Britain begins to bail:

driven by bad polls at home and an untenable situation in Iraq, Blair begins to cash in his chips and go home.
this is absolutely false and Cheney knows it - British casualties have tripled in the last several months.
make no mistake, Britain is reducing forces because they can do no more. it's a rout, not a victory.

As Mazer has said, this - like almost everything you hear about Iraq is all about home politics. The British have 7000 troops in Iraq right now and they are pulling 1500 out. Denmark is pulling 450 and Lithuania is pulling 53. What the media fails to tell you is Australia is sending more troops. You may see it as abandonment but I think it is a sign of hope. As Iraqi troops take control, foreign troops leave. That`s been the plan all along. Hasn`t it? Let international troops make the country safe, then go home.

There was a poll yesterday, I don’t have a link but it showed 57 percent of Americans want to stay in Iraq and finish the job, 57 percent want to win the war. That is good I guess, and you should be thanking the British because many have sacrificed their lives in this war. So the USA will have to win this war without Britain, Denmark, Lithuania, and certainly without the weasels in France. It has always been on USA’s shoulders.
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