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Old 19-02-07, 10:15 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sinner View Post
Right, Because Al Qaeda was so friendly to the USA before the Iraqi invasion. I mean so they killed 3000 people in New York, bombed the USS Cole killing soldiers, bombed targets around the world killing Americans, British, Africans, but I guess you want to ignore all that and have us believe the Iraqi invasion has made America a target and recruitment is up.

But hey --

Al Qaeda's number two, Aymah al-Zawahiri, has sent his marching orders to the Democrats, which may help explain why the Democrats are pushing so hard to surrender. It really is stunning, Zawahiri is urging the Democrats to implement the policies the Democrats campaigned on implementing.

Speaking directly to the Dems, their Grand Ayatollah said:

As for the Democrats in America, I tell them:

The people chose you due to your opposition to Bush's policy in Iraq, but it appears that you are marching with him to the same abyss, and it appears that you will take part with him in the defeat and certain failure, with God's permission. And the American people shall discover that you are all one side of the same coin of tyranny, criminality and failure; that failure which - by the grace of God - has neutralized the endeavors of the traitors who entered Kabul and Baghdad on the backs of American tanks, and has dashed their hopes as they see the Mujahideen come closer and closer to victory, which has led them to urgently appeal to America for help and implore it to continue to occupy their lands and raise the banners of the Cross over their heads.

So, Democrats, your Grand Ayatollah is giving you a direct order to cut and run. You better not disappoint him.

It is not a sad commentary that the policies of the Democrats in the United States Congress are the same policies advocated by our enemies?
sucker politics - get a grip, sinner, you're getting played like a fiddle. your "sad commentary" is irrelevant from a policy viewpoint. the Iraq war is over for the US and, by not winning, we lost.
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