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Old 19-02-07, 10:12 PM   #11
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by TankGirl View Post

Thanks to U.S. invasion, they now are a strong force in Iraq where they had practically no presence before the war. And now they seem to be getting their training organization and command structure back into shape again. It seems Bush has been doing a great service for them while doing a great misservice for his own country - there will be no lack of passionately US-hating Al Qaeda recruits during the next 20 years.
The reagan Administration is reaping what they planted back in 1983. The denial of it all is quite mind boggling.

Even more mind boggling is this, confront the typical US citizen with those facts, that their own government financed those terror org/s to begin with while it suited them. Borderline Denial.

Why do Al-Q exist? US backed Jihad against the russians. Anyone denying this are born to be bubble boys/gals.

What is truly heartbreaking is that most US citizens serving under that insane war were little babies cooing at their parents back in 1983 with no voice of their own. Now those same cooing loves comes back as shellshocked, amputated or in coffins. Quite an unfair legacy on the behalf of the Reagan administration if not a shame for the whole party.

Another matter of interest for those who lost limbs in the current Irak war and are treated less than fairly.

They did their part, they fought in this war yet those who says they support their troops will not do squat against this insult that is bestowed on their amputated survivors.

My heart goes to their courage and inequality on how they are treated now. IMO, they should have the top notch treatment by the best doctors, not being chided by their superiors because they cannot get a new uniform when it is time to claim their purple heart medal.

Support our troops, forget the amputees?

War with Irak, stupid to begin with.
WMD found, close to zilch.
Send your offsprings to finish war feeble Reagan started, useless.
Senators/Congressman's daughter's/son's going to war, yet to be proven. (talk about patriotism)
The media and US army ignoring their most recent war veteran, PRICELESS.

On this, I truly wonder who hates the most US citizens. Those who talk againt this insane administration or those who ignore those ripples in the pond where that rock was throwned and keep burying their head in the sand as to what becomes of most soldiers who actually "RISK" their lives over there for what they truly believes in.

Keyboard warriors sucks, enlist and serve a purpuse for once beside wearing down a piece of technology by ranting on some who are so unpatriotic because they oppose the war, according to their views.

Support the troops is one thing.
Ignore them when they come back maimed, unacceptable.
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