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Old 18-02-07, 11:33 AM   #2
Just Draggin' Along
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I'll only help this one more time.

The presence of the elephant does not effect the physics experiment.

The elephant is depicted standing and facing away from the approach of the object, and would not see it coming and therefor would not react to it.

The ramp is stated to be frictionless and therefor the object going down it will make no noise to alert the elephant.

The presence of other obstructions such as an accumulation of elephant feces is not indicated.

The object will approach the elephant, pass between its hind legs, continue under the elephant and pass between its front legs and continue toward the target spring.

Other observations:

The ramp is stated to be frictionless, but the experiment would have to be conducted in a perfect vacuum in order to eliminate friction between the object and the atmosphere. The size and shape of the object would also have an effect on friction (drag). As such, friction from the atmosphere upon the object is presumed eliminated from the experiment.

Question 2b is a trick question.

It’s interesting how physics teachers, who are trying to teach students about real world science must use extra-scientific explanations such as “frictionless surfaces” in order to simplify the problem.
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