Thread: Cheney
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Old 11-02-07, 10:08 AM   #1
Earthbound misfit
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
perhaps the new Congress might want to look into the constitutional role of the VP's office - i know my high school civics teacher would appreciate the update.
That would be a nice distraction from America's real problems, wouldn't it?

Yeah, Cheney has a weird interpretation of his job, but he's got a point. The vice president has one Constitutional duty, to cast the tie-breaking vote in the senate and that makes him a figurehead at best. That's no excuse for his secrecy though. The Justice Department ought to get a court order to allow a search of Cheney's office. A figurehead like him only needs to keep the president's secrets, not his own.

Edit: not to discount the weight of this problem, but I think you're fishing for controversy, knife. Why the Federation of National Scientists has any opinion whatsoever on the vice president's classification practices, I can only guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if their inquiries were politically motivated. You needn't create a tempest in a teapot. There's enough real controversy in D.C. to go around.

Last edited by Mazer : 11-02-07 at 10:32 AM.
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