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Old 01-02-07, 09:51 AM   #14
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bush? guts? hell, how would anyone know? he's never put himself in harms way. not during vietnam and not now.

this is a guy who regularly puts others in danger but not himself.

the only heat he might take is printed criticism - but he doesn't read inside the papers ("i see the headlines.") so he avoids even that.

he recently spent large sums of your money to have his little situation room all tricked out with comfy leather chairs and slick flat screen tvs so he could conference in james bondian comfort - while the troops are getting their asses blown out of broiling humvees on the other side of the world.

nah, this twerp doesn't have guts, and we know he doesn't have brains. just a reptilian sense of self preservation combined with a patholigical delusion there is a god and he's been annointed by him.

guts. christ that's a laugh.

- js.
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