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Old 18-01-07, 04:13 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
You must live in a very isolated country then. Where at, Antartica? The moon?

Do you really think a nuclear war that will spread to involve eastern Europe, southern Asia, northern Africa, and half of the world's population will not have any effect on the United States? When Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Israel decide to glass the entire middle east and send a billion souls to the afterlife, you're just going to sit in your living room and watch it on TV with a bowl of popcorn? Wow. I never knew such apathy could exist.
I'll be sitting on the beach knocking back shooters of Maker's Mark.

By the way the fear isn't working any more.

The world is NOT going to end if we DON'T attack Iran.

Just like America was not going to be sprouting mushroom clouds if we did not invade Iraq.

Same bold faced lies; different country.

War with Iran?
No thanks.
One clusterfuck was enough.

If you and the neocons want war with Iran so badly; move to Israel.
I hear that they will be starting one with them very soon and seeing as how they have a population of less than 7 million people, I'm quite certain they would welcome you with open "arms".
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