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Old 18-01-07, 11:57 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sinner View Post
it seems Americans are not to worried about the fact they are directly involved in the killing of American soldiers in Iraq
Threre is no evidence to support that claim other than Bush, Cheney, Condi, et el. saying it is so, and we all know how honest that group is.[/sarchasm]

Maybe you call it a "fact" due to those wily Iranians' clever use of the western media to their advantage propagandawise?

Of course the Iranian diplomats who were illegally arrested in Iraq are most likey right now being tortured into "confessing" to whatever the hell their witch hunters want them to.

It is the exact same game plan they used in the run up to the Iraq disaster except this time they think they can pull off another Gulf of Tonkin event and ramrod Congress into voting for war with Iran.

And by they I mean Israel.

Like I said, Iran has a problem with Israel and Israel has a problem with Iran and as far as I can tell, there is nothing between them but air and opportunity.
And again, not my or my country's problem.

I wonder how most americans would feel if Iran had a well financed lobbying group constantly pestering our elected politicians in DC to attack Israel and saturating the media with evil Israel stories?
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