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Old 17-01-07, 02:46 PM   #4
Earthbound misfit
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Originally Posted by RDixon View Post
Sorry if you disagree but Iran has a right to defend their soverignty.
It is their home; not yours and not mine.
They decide what is best for them and how they want to live and as long as it does not effect me, I have no problem with that.
The question of the day is not about Iran's sovereignty, it's about the threat they pose to the rest of the world. That threat has not manifest itself just yet, but in addition to the defensive weapons you've listed, they've also bought offensive weapons from Russia as Multi's story at the top of this thread explains. Their nukes will also be offensive weapons. Iran's posturing and saber rattling is much too direct to be ignored. Does Iran's sovereignty give them the right to send terrorists into Iraq, or to fire ICBM's at their neighbors? The Arab League is nervous, Israel has already been threatened, and we're just supposed to stand by and watch?

We all really hope they decide that peace is what's best for them, but our hope will not factor into their decision at all. Their leaders are at least as stubborn and hawkish as ours which means they will start a war sooner or later. And it will affect you, believe it or not; world wars tend to effect everyone.

Last edited by Mazer : 17-01-07 at 02:57 PM.
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