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Old 17-01-07, 02:15 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by RDixon View Post
Iran shot down a predator drone a few days ago that had violated their airspace.
This is a he said she said, The USA says it didn't happen and they are not missing a drone, so it is who ever you want to believe. I will believe the USA over Iran any day of the week.

Russia just sent them 30 SAMs that are capable of shooting down stealth bombers.
Those SAMs sent have An attack radius of 12 miles, they are used for protection against an attack. I am not to concerned about those, the USA is also sending more patriot missiles to the area.

China has been and continues to supply Iran with nuclear weapons and ICBM technology that they stole from the USA.
I would question that, I know in around 2003 Iran did import uranium from China, and Iran's Nuclear Program was started by the USA in the 50's under the Atoms for Peace program, the plan was to have 23 nuclear power stations across the country built together with the USA by the year 2000. Every thing changed in 1979.

Meanwhile the Bush admin puffs out their banny rooster chests and postures and accomplishes nothing.

Sorry if you disagree but Iran has a right to defend their soverignty.
It is their home; not yours and not mine.
They decide what is best for them and how they want to live and as long as it does not effect me, I have no problem with that.

The question is: Why does the Bush admin? What is the real reasons for the saber rattling from the paper ducks?
Do you really need nuclear weapons to protect your sovereignty? This is where that whole We Want To Wipe A Country Off The Map statement President Tom made comes in to play. Backed by the fact Iran is supplying insurgents in Iraq with weapons.

As for the F-14’s, not to concerned about them, the technology of these aircrafts Iran has are very limited, it just seems odd they would put parts up for sale when really the only people who would want them right now are the enemy.
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