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Old 15-01-07, 11:25 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by RDixon View Post
yes, yes there is.
leave them alone.
if they do something; then wipe em off the earth.
what is the deal with all the "pre-emptive" fear anyway?
oh yeah, i forgot, that is what your cult leaders tell you to think...
base your actions on things that MAY happen and you get to decide what MAY happen.
thank God your kind is now out of power in DC.

Appeasement and abandonment will not work, it never has and it never will. That is what the world did with Germany and Hitler in the 30’s. Winston Churchill was the only leader brave enough to stand up against Hitler before WWII began, but he was alone and the world let WWII happen. In December there was a election in Iran and the moderate conservative’s won big, which means the moderates are tired of their President provoking the West while ignoring the horrible conditions inside his own country. That's a huge slap in the face to him personally, but it proves that the people of Iran aren't buying into their leader's apocalyptic agenda. So really it is the radicals in the country who are pushing for a confrontation with the West, not the average citizens. The best thing that can happen is the Iranian people change their own destiny, which I personally think most want. The worst thing the USA and the world could do is give up on Iraq. The USA must let the Iraqi and Iranian people know they are behind them no matter the cost, to bring democracy to their countries. You cannot say, we will help you but if the tuff gets going you are on your own. If the Iranian people see that seed of democracy planted right next door why wouldn’t they rise up and fight for those same freedoms! It takes sacrifice, it took a civil war in the USA to give Blacks the same freedoms all others had. Big Change is not easy, it is often deadly, who knows how America would be if Lincoln quit his efforts when the tuff got going. I know some will say Iraq is not Americas fight, and I say you made it your fight and America will have to stick with it. If the USA leaves Iraq, Iran will become a bigger problem and War will happen, there is no doubt in my mind, as some one said, Israel will not allow Iran to become a bigger threat to them, and an attack by Israel is attack from the USA in the minds of the radicals in the Middle East.

September 26, 1938. That's just three days before Prime Minister Chamberlain signed the infamous Munich agreement with Hitler; an agreement that, to this day, stands as a shining example of how appeasement does not work.

With Chamberlain visiting Hitler in a futile effort to save the peace, it was Winston Churchill who stood up and appealed directly to the United States to get involved. Listen closely to his words on that day...

"If the Government and people of the USA have a word to speak for the salvation of the world, now is the time and now is the last time when words will be of any use...It will indeed be a tragedy if this last effort is not made in the only way in which it may be effective to save mankind from martyrdom."

Nine days later, after the Munich Agreement had been signed and the world cheered, Churchill spoke again...

"I will...begin by saying the most unpopular and most unwelcome thing...what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat..."

At the time he made that speech in the House of Commons, Churchill could count on one hand the number of friends he had in Parliament. Who will stand up today and willingly face that same kind of abandonment and alienation? I will; and I hope you will, but which of our leaders has the guts to say what no one wants to hear: There is no appeasing those who do not want to be appeased. Whether or not we want to go to war is irrelevant; the war is already on -- the only question is if we'll fight back now or wait for the next December 7th.
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