Thread: surge
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Old 13-01-07, 11:45 AM   #5
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My ex-girlfriend's son just got out of the army.
He spent 2 years in Iraq.
Had a relatively safe job; unloading / loading cargo planes.
He says he is considering re-uping, but is waiting to see if they will up their bonus offer for it.
I ask him what if he rejoins and they decide to change his job?
He said he wouldn't like that too much.

He has been out for 5 months now and has received 6 letters from the army wanting him to rejoin so far.

He's still enjoying the new harley sportster he paid cash for the same day he got home and still has some savings left.
He will probably sign back up and go back to Iraq when he is broke.

To him it is just a job; a job that pays pretty well considering his limited education.
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