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Old 09-01-07, 11:09 PM   #64
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i think they know exactly who sadaam was:

a tribal leader of a fairly large tribe who did what tribal leaders all too often do.

it's a sublety that's lost on me but for much of the planet it is a reality they live with - and work with - everyday.

and everyday that other tribal leader called bush gets closer to slaughtering (for reasons he can't even articulate) more iraqis than sadaam (and can't be bothered even counting), hussien the man looks more rightous to them in comparison. not that they're comparing tribal strongmen necessarilly but it's a factor. why not, it's human nature and it's just about the only thing left since the administration all but abandoned every other excuse trotted out to justify an invasion. they gave us sadamm the asshole.

well guess what? from what i'm hearing, a rapidly increasing global popualtion thinks bush is just as bad, an opinion based on what they've seen or experienced. how's that for american influence? so unless i miss my guess the guy quoted in the story would get right into your face and insist, calmly or otherwise, that it's you who's missed the point.

"yes," he or others like him might say, "i know sadaam. it's true, he killed some of my familly. but don't lie to me about bush. he's killing the rest of them."

- js.
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