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Old 03-01-07, 11:03 PM   #6
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by Nicobie View Post
I think I might have been a bit harsh on our American hating Anglophobe.

I actully did not just cut and paste a bunch of stuff.

I guess that isn't fair.
If I were an anglophobe, I wouldn't be on any english speaking board nor would have ever picked up english in the first place dillweed

I do not hate americans, I highly dislike their latest administrations and the havoc it brought upon the world these last few years. I do hate the fact that when a certain truth hit's you right in the face, no one will do squat, I hate the fact that this adm supports a bunch of murderers that is called Israel. They did forfit their right to bitch to the internationnal community about sucide bombings since they replied with uncalled force toward Lebanon with US supplied weapons, that they bulldoze Palestinians houses with big "CAT" again supplied by the US adm.

You claimed the US supports Canada and Mexico, even bitched about it, how about those 6 billions a year toward Israel, a landmass that is not even on this continent? How about that new SS treaty toward Mexico? I am indeed laughing now for it wasn't my ADM that voted this in silence LOL. I was expecting to hear the scream of americans calling for a big fat BETRAYLED by their own government, again, only defening silence. I am truly stunned.

If your best reply is to attack the language I was born with or the province I was born in before you cry baby had a bad experience over here, atleast try to do better eh? Stop acting like a fucking victim Nicobie. If you were as unpleasent to them as you are toward me, no surprise it happened to you. When you decide to visit another country that doesn't speak the same language as you do, don't expect to be served in your native language, you are not the belly button of the world.

In Spring 1991 I was in NYC for easter and was my youth club was confronted with 2 guys aiming at us with guns because they wanted some expensive camera, I spoke up for I was the only one who had a good underatanding of english and ended up having the gun aimed at me. It never stopped from going back and even tho I had a bad experience in NYC I still went back and never put all americans in one basket Unlike you did with us Quebeccers. Now just imagine if someone would have pointed a gun at your head over here...

I fell on some jackasses like you did over here only it seems to frustrate you more that they decided to piss you off language wise than I was pissed off by having a gun pointed at my head.

Get over it cry baby.
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