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Old 01-01-07, 09:39 PM   #4
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
You've stated that you think Iraqis are just as bad as Americans so you've already answered your own bullshit question. All you really want from me is to argue with you. Not interested.
Mea Culpa

US gentiles are kinda of slow if you get my drift

When did I say that Iraqie were as bad as the US? Religion wise I did compare the 2 to be as screwed up equally.

You do not want to answer, that I got. Hey, you asked sticky question, now reply to this one. Is an Iraqie life is worth less than a american citizen? Keep silent and ppl will believe that you do think that an Iraqie life is indeed worth less than an American one.

So far compiled as stats

More than 1 million dead during the embargo, half of them childrens. During the occupation, half a million dead so far. Thousands of Iraquies that leaves their mother land because they want to see another day?


No infrastructure has been built so far in Iraq beside for the puppet Shi'a gov that is called the green Zone and the new US embassy. No WMD's have been found so far beside some small traces of... Big news in the Media but little rippling effect in the pond so far.

Sectarian Violence never was that high in the muslim world before the invasions. Saddam never hanged anyone on the day he was hagned since even tho he was a madass dictator, he was still a muslim and obeyed the islamist law.

Some of the comments i've read today by various leaders, one struck me. Putting Saddam to death on this HOLY day is the equivalent of executing the US president on the 25th of december.

They are pissed. Both sides. Most Muslims agree that it was a mock trial backed by the US and that it was a puppet gov that executed saddam. Even Shi'as outside Iraq agrees with that statement. On both sides outside Iraq, they view it as the Utmost insult ever made.

On my side, I view it as the greatest fuck up the ADM in history ever made.

But again, us gentiles knows squat eh?

I have been released from my bounds if you know what I mean Mazer
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