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Old 28-12-06, 03:56 PM   #18
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
Eh, that probably won't happen. So what you're saying is you don't see any moral difference between Hussein and Bush?
Thanks for putting words in my mouth I never spoken or said. Real classy of you. What I am saying is that Bush cannot even grasp mentally the death toll of the Iraqie population as I previously posted. Saddam admitted to those death, no big secret, everyone knew about the kurdish massacre. Bush was presented with an estimation that surpassed his rosie world where he seem convinced that only some 30 000 Iraqie lost their lives ever since the invasion. He was confronted with the truth, the inner working of his brain prevented him to grasp the "real Iraquie death toll"

Beside for trying to put words I never said in my mouth Mazer, answer the question, it all comes down to that right? Is the life of an Iraqie citizen worth less than the one of a US citizen?

Yes, the US soldiers death toll is saddening, so is the Toll of dead Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan but all combined together, they don't even reach 10% of what the Iraqian population suffered ever since the administration decided to "Liberate them"

Franklin had it right when he said those wise words, maybe he forsaw some future glimpse of what was to come.

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
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