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Old 22-12-06, 05:33 PM   #1
Formal Ball Proof
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Much to my chagrin SoundForge will not record the stream. (This I learned after wrestling all day with routers, cables and drills etc. plus a fair amount of cursing, finally getting online, realizing my 'Media Center Edition' soundcard/software is hateful to me and I barely know how I've gotten it to do what I normally require of it in the first place, downloading about twelve freeware stream recorders and promptly removing them upon dismal failure, posting at several forums and sounding like a complete newbie, reading a great deal and realizing that it is in fact my soundcard and not anything particularly tricky about SoundForge which relieved me somewhat because I knew I could do it on my old machine, and finally submitting to the fact that even though I'm sure there's a magical setting somewhere that I can't find, I really can't find it.)

Long and short of it, if you're running SoundForge (or really just about any recorder) and you have that simple old mixer option of "what you hear" and can route it to your recorder then you would have no problem making that the input and recording it. Like duh. Alas, I have not this option anymore, and I long for a simpler time. The Media Center Edition only allows a choice between MS soundmapper and a handful of physical jacks as I/O, none of which of course is carrying the stream. If there are advantages to the MCE they are currently escaping memory.

I also looked into a thing called Proxomitron which is supposed to be able to tell you the real primary address of a file coming in from a proprietary player, but it confused and frightened me and I made it go away. Maybe someone smarter than me ought to check that out.

So, regardless of the fact that I have a DAT sitting right here I could (relatively) easily use to record the streams, I'm just going to pout and be irked and probably not break down and actually do it until I'm convinced there's no other way, which could conceivably take a couple more days of torture.
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