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Old 20-12-06, 04:37 PM   #8
JackSpratts's Avatar
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there is a well-known issue with logins where you keep getting sent back to the login popup instead of getting the player popup so i'm happy to see they've posted a work around. essentially close out your browser, clear your cookies and go directly to login before you select your stream. needless to say it doesn't always work so they're adding a true fix soon. in the meantime i've emailed them for additional help about this (it only affects ie here, ff and opera are ok) and i've used the opportunity to ask them about the encoding process. while they've returned my emails about the login problem they haven't responded to the codec querry. if and when they do i'll pass it along. course if anyone knows please tell me. oh yeah, my tape came out great - it sounds identical to the stream.

- js.
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